
Membership Benefits

  • Access to the Members Only resources (e.g. forum, message board) and network support for wildlife rehabilitation questions and issues
  • Voting privileges
  • Access to WRNBC Herd Online seminars and post-seminar summaries – keep current on issues and best practices in wildlife rehabilitation, and network with other wildlife rehabilitation professionals
  • Invitations to regular WRNBC Café virtual networking meet-ups
  • Permitted rehabilitation facilities receive

Professional wildlife rehabilitators know that networking and the sharing of information and resources with other rehabilitators is essential to keeping your skills current, enhancing the knowledge base in this developing field, and providing high quality care for injured wildlife.  Join the WRNBC membership today, and contribute to expanding our network of knowledge, expertise, and support for wildlife rehabilitation in BC.
*Membership fees are non-refundable

2023 Membership Sign-up/Renewal

Thank you for supporting WRNBC and the welfare of wildlife in BC with your annual membership! Please click on one of the links below to make your 2023 membership payment by credit card. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us:

Annual WRNBC Membership – Individual ($25)

Annual WRNBC Membership – Organization ($35)

Consider supporting WRNBC with a Lifetime Membership (bonus – no need for annual renewals, you’re set for life!)

Lifetime WRNBC Membership – Individual ($250)

Lifetime WRNBC Membership – Organization ($500)