The Network

Founded in 1989, the Wildlife Rehabilitators’ Network of BC is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization whose membership includes licensed rehabilitation facilities and individual rehabilitators, rehabilitation volunteers, wildlife researchers, government and humane association representatives, veterinarians and other animal care personnel, and interested members of the public. Members of the Network subscribe to the WRNBC Code of Ethics and WRNBC Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation in BC.

The Purpose of WRNBC is:

· To educate and increase public understanding of wildlife issues and its importance by offering workshops, presentations and disseminating information through brochures, displays and the website.

· To develop and provide programs and guides promoting the protection and preservation of wildlife and enhancing standards of care for injured wildlife.

· To provide bursaries and scholarships to those students interested in pursuing a course of study that will benefit wildlife.

· To provide a venue for our members to communicate with government and other organizations.

· To give wildlife rehabilitators a voice as a group in issues that affect their work.

WRNBC hosts an annual conference and provides members with a directory, quarterly newsletter, and access to a resource library. WRNBC awards an educational bursary each year to post-graduate students entering areas of study that benefit wildlife. WRNBC is an active member of the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA) and the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) and the Oiled Wildlife Trust (OWT).  The WRNBC Advisory Board includes wildlife researchers and veterinarians, who provide professional and academic guidance to the membership.